Prime Healthcare Nationally Recognized for Quality in Stroke and Heart Failure Care

Prime Healthcare Nationally Recognized for Quality in Stroke and Heart Failure Care

Blog Article

Prime Healthcare has proudly announced that its hospitals have been honored with the Get with The Guidelines® (GWTG) Quality Achievement Awards from the American Heart Association for their exceptional treatment of heart failure and stroke.

The American Heart Association recognized 23 Prime Healthcare hospitals with the Get with The Guidelines® – Heart Failure Award, highlighting their dedication to improving outcomes for heart failure patients by reducing readmissions and increasing the number of healthy days spent at home. Additionally, 29 Prime Healthcare hospitals received the Get with The Guidelines® – Stroke Award, recognizing their commitment to providing the most appropriate treatment for stroke patients based on research-based guidelines.

Furthermore, four Prime Healthcare hospitals received the Coronary Artery Disease STEMI recognition for their rapid and research-based care for individuals experiencing a specific type of heart attack known as an ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), which is considered more severe and dangerous than other types of heart attacks.

“We are pleased to recognize the leaders and teams across Prime Healthcare hospitals for their strong commitment to caring for people with heart failure,” said Sabra Lewsey, MD, MPH, chair of the American Heart Association Heart Failure System of Care Advisory Group and Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “Hospitals that participate in Get with The Guidelines often see better patient outcomes, fewer readmissions, and lower mortality rates – a win for families, communities, and health care systems.”

The Get with the Guidelines quality achievement award is earned by hospitals that demonstrate a commitment to treating patients according to the most up-to-date guidelines outlined by the American Heart Association. This program leverages the American Heart Association’s expertise to ensure that patient care aligns with the latest research and evidence-based guidelines, aiming to increase healthy days at home and reduce hospital readmissions for heart failure patients.

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